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Moderate to high sensitivity to the deficiency of: Mn, Mo
Low to moderately sensitivity to the deficiency of: B, Cu, Zn
(the sensitivity to the deficiencies of these nutrients can vary in function of the variety)
Your benefits with Fructol NF
With its Fructol NF program, BMS Micro-Nutrients obtained always very good results (increase in yield) on peas. Fructol NF assures:
- a good fertility of the flowers;
- an optimal fruit set.
At least two or three applications with Fructol NF are necessary:
1. the first just before bloom (or when the first flowers are opening);
2. the second ten to forteen days later.
3. a third application can be done again ten to forteen days after the second application.
Your benefits with Chelal BMo
It is also recommended to apply also Chelal BMo (or Chelal B) just after germination when the plants have two to four leaves. This treatment will stimulate the development of the root system and will also improve the formation of the nodules on the root, which contain the Rhizobium bacteria responsible for the fixation of nitrogen for the plants.
In order to obtain the best effect of the Fructol NF/Chelal BMo program it is essential that the crop has no other deficiency. If the availability of an other nutrient is limited the program has to be complemented with an application of this specific element. Deficiencies of magnesium, manganese and zinc are often observed on this crop.