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Chelal 3
COMPOUND INORGANIC MICRONUTRIENT FERTILISER, Micronutrient fertiliser in solution, 4,5 % Fe, 1,2 % Mn, 0,5 % Zn
CHELAL 3 allows for a rational and adapted intervention into plant metabolism. After an easy and quick assimilation by the leaves, the product is optimally transported to all plant parts. The chelated form of the three elements present in CHELAL 3 assures a good and swift aborption and translocation and thus avoids their mutual antagonistic effects. CHELAL 3 is well suited to prevent, combat and control iron chlorosis. CHELAL 3 supplies in the first place a substantial amount of iron, but it also supplies manganese and zinc, which are two elements that are normally little available in soils with a high pH value. Plants suffering from iron chlorosis often have to deal with manganese and zinc shortage as well. CHELAL 3 alleviates these 3 deficiencies at the same time.
For additional information concerning the specific functions of iron, manganese and/or zinc in plant physiology, susceptibilities to and related deficiency-symptoms caused by these elements, please consult our technical sheets:
for iron: CHELAL Fe
for manganese: CHELAL Mn
for zinc: CHELAL Zn
Do not exceed the maximum concentration of 0,5 % (= 0,5 L CHELAL 3 in 100 L water). Maximum concentration in greenhouse: 0,2 % (= 200 cc in 100 L water). For foliar applications avoid high temperatures and bright sunshine.
Treat preferably during early morning or late evening.