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These products are based on chelated micro-nutrients. This range contains as well single element products as well as mixtures of different micro nutrients.

The single element products are specifically used to control known and frequently appearing deficiencies. This can obviously be done as well preventively as curative. BMS Micro-Nutrients recommends without any doubt to treat preventively, this way the crop will suffer any stress at any moment resulting in a loss of productivity.

The mixtures of various trace elements are developed to treat different deficiencies simultaneously or can be used as maintenance treatments in order to intensify crop production. There are products with different combinations of trace-elements in order to accommodate different requirements of frequently grown crops.

Chelal Range
Chelal 3

Chelal 3

Chelal Alga L

Chelal Alga L

Chelal AZ

Chelal AZ

Chelal B

Chelal B

Chelal BMo

Chelal BMo

Chelal BZn

Chelal BZn

Chelal Cu

Chelal Cu

Chelal Fe

Chelal Fe

Chelal FeMn

Chelal Fe/Mn

Chelal Flor NF

Chelal Flor NF

Chelal Golf

Chelal Golf

Chelal Hydro NF

Chelal Hydro NF
