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Moderate to high sensitivity to the deficiency of: Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn
Low to moderately sensitivity to the deficiency of: Ca, B
(the sensitivity to the deficiencies of these nutrients can vary in function of the variety)
Boron and zinc
The pear trees have some very specific needs and problems which need some special attention. First of all it is important to realize that the bloom happens early in the year, and that the trees have hardly any leaves at that moment. Nevertheless it is important to assure that the flowers are healthy and fertile in order to obtain a good fruit set. Therefore boron and zinc are the two most import elements.
To provide the flowers with these elements BMS Micro-Nutrients recommends applying Hyberol in autumn after the harvest.
- the boron and zinc applied this way will be kept by the plant in the wood as reserves during the winter.
- this product contains also an important amount of algae extracts, which increase the plants resistance against frost, because of the high concentrations of glucides and amino acids it contains.
- the Boron also guarantees a good quality of the pollen, reducing problems with fruit set often observed in this crop (physiological fruit fall, and deformed fruits are symptoms of this problem).
Fructol NF / Chelal Noor
It is essential to assist the fruit thickening with some well balanced products such as FRUCTOL NF® and/or CHELAL® NOOR in order to obtain a fruits with a good and homogeneous size.
Chelal RD / Chelal Fe
Pears are less sensitive to problems occurring during storage, nevertheless we recommend calcium applications early in the season just after the fall of the last petals.
On the other hand iron choloris is a big problem for this crop. In order keep to photosynthesis at a high level we recommend apply the necessary products from the moment the first symptoms appear, or to apply them preventive. The best results are obtained with the combination of Cheal® RD NF + Chelal® Fe.
The effects of Chelal Omnical on pears
Trials executed in Italy in 2012, and again in 2014, proved once again that treatments with Chelal Omnical have a very positive effect on the quality of fruit. In these trials, applications with Chelal Omnical were done some weeks up to a month before harvest. This increased significantly the hardness of the fruits, as well at harvest as after some months of cold storage.
An important secondary effect of the foliar treatments with Chelal Omnical was also observed: there were less losses due to fungal infections.
Click below and read more about these trials: Trial pears 2012; Trial pears 2014