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The power of seaweed

In spring, treatments with seaweed extracts are very beneficial. At the beginning of the vegetative cycle they assure good juvenile growth (both of the aerial part of the plant and the roots) as well as the development of good quality flowers and fruits.
The active components of the seaweed extracts (amino acids, vitamins, bétaïnes, nutrients (K), antioxidants, carbohydrates and growth regulators) contribute to a higher yield as well in quantity as in quality, and improve the general health of the crops. Each of the components influences important processes during the development of the plant, such as the cell division and cell differentiation (in synergy with the auxins), the activity of the growth regulators, the synthesis of proteins, the absorption and translocation of nutrients (for example Calcium), the activity of antioxidants and the production of fitoalexins, increasing thus the SAR (Systemic Acquired Resistance) making them less susceptible to infections.
BMS Micro-Nutrients NV offers you various products containing seaweed extracts : Chelal Alga L, Chelal AZ, Hyberol and Fructol Bio.
The main advantages are:
- Can be used on all crops.
- Improves the absorption of nutrients.
- Enhances the quality of the yield.
- Contributes to the biotic and abiotic stress management of the plant.
- Stimulates the development and growth of the plant.
- Makes the skin of the fruits harder, extending thus the "shelf life" period of the fruits.
- Increases the stress resistance of the plant.
- Makes the plant less vulnerable to infections.
- Stimulates root development.
- Delays the aging process of the plant.
There are two important periods for the application of seaweed extracts:
- In spring, to assure a good juvenile development and a good quality of the flowers and the fruits.
- In autumn for the replenishment of the reserves in perennial plants.