Results of field trials to your benefit

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Raise the yield of corn

The aim of the trial: increasing yield with a foliar application of zinc.

Increasing the vigour of the vines

Improving quality with foliar applications

Improving yield and quality of the vineyard

The aim of the trial is to improve the vigour of the plants.

Increasing yield with foliar nutrition

The aim of the trial is to increase the yield with foliar applications on sugar beet.

Increase the yield on corn

The aim of the trial is to increase the yield with foliar fertilization on corn together with weed applications.

Treatment of wine grapes after frost damage

The aim of the trial: promote regrowth on a plot damaged for 90% by frost.

Improving absorption of trace elements

In this trial we study the penetration of trace elements in the plant

Improving fruit size

In this trial we verify the effect of foliar applications on fruit size.

Increasing fruit weight

In this trial we verify the effect of foliar applications on fruit weight.

Total foliar nutrition on a young hazelnut orchard

The aim of the trial is to advance the first production with foliar nutrition in a young hazelnut orchard.

Increase the yield of rapeseed

The purpose of the trial: increase the yield of the crop and compare the efficacy of our boron chelate with a simpler source of boron.

Improve juvenile growth and root development

The purpose of the trial is to improve juvenile growth and root development of winter wheat by seed treatment with Viener Zn. This should lead to a higher yield.

Increase of nitrogen and aromas in the must

In this trial we are measuring the effectiveness of foliar nutrition to increase the concentrations of digestable nitrogen and aromatic compounds in the must of Grenache noir.

Increase your yield with foliar nutrition

The objective of the trial is to increase the yield of the plot by foliar nutrition.

Good translocation of calcium in the plant

Improve the mobility of calcium in the plant with chelated foliar nutrition

Foliar Fertilisation on hazelnuts

Increase your yield in quantity and quality with foliar fertilisation.

Improving fruit size on apricots

Verify the effect of the application of the program of BMS Micro-Nutrients developed for increasing fruit size.

Effect of Chelal Omnical on pears 2014

With this trial we want to verify the effect of the pre-harvest treatments with Chelal Omnical on the conservability of the fruits.
