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This is the final reward of the work of more than 20 years, since this company opted for foliar nutrition, with the advice of Agritec Medina and the products of BMS Micro-Nutrients.
Palacio de Bornos, a winery with production in Rueda, Ribera del Duero and Toro (Spain), has achieved the first ECOMETHOD attestation. 20 years ago they started with Total Foliar Nutrition (NTF) recommend by Agritec in Medina del Campo, as a new and innovative way to fertilize the vineyards. This Medinense company offered this revolutionary way of fertilization with the help of BMS Micro-Nutrients products, anticipating the future of a sustainable, respectful and more profitable agriculture in the present. “We have reached the destination we wanted to reach when we started more than two decades ago. It was as if we were the Christopher Columbus of foliar fertilisation with personalised programs. We were pioneers of what now a reality is and of where agriculture going to at this moment”, explains Manuel Martín, responsible for the vineyards at Agritec Medina.
ECOMETHOD is the only fertilization technique on the market, which allows a significant reduction of the traditional soil fertilization, by implementing specific foliar nutrition programs, guaranteeing the quality of the productions with at the same time an important reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. ECOMETHOD has a double advantage for agricultural companies. "First of all it enables to differentiate the finished product in an increasingly competitive market, thanks to the certification of the CO2 reduction," says Davide Collina, Manager of BMS Micro-Nutrients Ibérica S.L. The second advantage is "being able to demonstrate that agricultural practices are being used that respect the environment and which are in line with the 2030 agenda," adds Mr Collina. These practices are not yet mandatory today, but could be so in a few years with the Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU.
For Ana Martín, head of production at the winery Palacio de Bornos, being the first to achieve this recognition is an endorsement of this group's commitment to quality and respect for the environment. “20 years ago we decided to try a different, innovative and more environmentally friendly way of fertilizing our vineyards, exclusively by foliar applications. The results, over the years, have been excellent not only in the vineyard but also in the wine elaboration. Now with ECOMETHOD we fulfil the second and most important objective, to be respectful of the environment and to considerably reduce CO2 emissions ”, comments Ana Martín.
The commitments and efforts of this winery are now recognized, but over the years it has been benefiting of its results in the vineyard and on the quality of its highly recognized and recognizable wines. “We are proud to be the first certified with ECOMETHOD in Spain. It is very gratifying, because it gives visibility to the work of many years, with a commitment to innovative towards a sustainable viticulture when no one was talking about it ”, remarks the head of viticulture at Palacio de Bornos.
Emiliano Oreca, head of BMS MN Ibérica for northern Spain, has also played a fundamental role in the introduction of complete and personalised foliar fertilization programmes. Emiliano has always been certain the results this technique could bring to mainly vineyards, for which the products of BMS MN are a perfect fit. The collaboration between Palacio de Bornos and BMS dates back more than 20 years, when they first adopted the NTF (Total Foliar Nutrition) project, adapting it over the years. "Observing the results obtained, they did not hesitate to bet also on ECOMETHOD. It was a challenge and prestige for BMS MN, that a winery this importance trusted us." For Mr Oreca, the profitability of ECOMETHOD is beyond any doubt, given that it very flexible, both in terms of application and adaptability, which is non-existent in the current market”.
For this BMS Micro-Nutrients technician, ECOMETHOD is the future. “The future transformation of the agricultural sector has to be towards more sustainability. Access to information and new technologies allow us to reach new producers every day that want to collaborate with this project, which makes us believe that the implementation will be exponential. In the same way, Mr Collina thinks, that the next 2 years an important growth will be realised in the wine sector in Castilla y León. "We are doing a widespread promotion campaigns directed towards wineries. Many of which understand the importance of adopting the transformation the sector is going through, and at the same time differentiating themselves in the market." In the rest of Spain "there will also be an important development. Our objective is that all agricultural companies that want to be in a privileged position in the market, are aware, as soon as possible, of this opportunity that we are offering".
For Manuel Martín from Agritec Medina, ECOMETHOD is the future of viticulture and wine marketing because “there is no more profitable, sustainable and less polluting method on the market”. According to this technician, who has been working in Rueda for many years, "ECOMETHOD offers an optimized fertilization for the crop and is the most economical option for farmers and wineries." The presentation of the first ECOMETHOD certification is "the consolidation of years of work to put the chelated quality products of BMS MN on the radar of the wine sector".
In the beginning of the development of the ECOMETHOD project, the wineries were the ones that have opted the most for this project both in Spain and other countries. But this evolution of a personalised way of fertilization is also embraced in other crops. "We are also working strongly with companies, of national importance, in the production and export of fruit, citrus, vegetables and small red fruits", says Mr Collina. According to the head of BMS Micro-Nutrients Ibérica, the agricultural sector is experiencing a moment of very important changes. It is essential to adapt if you do not want to be left behind. "Our goal is to offer real tools to update and benefit from these changes and ECOMETHOD is designed for this." Although the trend is changing, so far, ECOMETHOD is more directed towards high-yield crops such as vineyards, fruits and vegetables that are commercialized with their own brand and therefore with an extra added value because of the reduced green house gas emission.
In the world of wine, it has become one more important argument for the sale. It allow the producer to differentiate his wines from others. "Given the upward trend in the market for the consumption of more sustainable products, we are confident of further growth in both markets," explains Ana Martín, head of viticulture at Palacio de Bornos.
To summarise in a single concept the ultimate goal of ECOMETHOD: "Offer a tool to agricultural companies to increase their profits, thanks to the best fertilization techniques, and at the same time differentiate themselves in the market thanks to the certification of the reduction in CO2 emissions," says Mr Davide Collina.
For more information: Agritec Medina