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Coop CASI reduces the CO2 emissions of the fertilisation of greenhouse tomatoes with 30,6% thanks to ECOMETHOD.
CASI (Almería - Spain) and BMS Micro-Nutrients (Bornem – Belgium) have managed, through a joint project, to reduce the CO2 emissions linked to the fertilization by 30,6% compared to the official recommendations of the region, for the cultivation of tomatoes in greenhouses.
the accredited attestation of BMS Micro-Nutrients, allows through the implementation of specific Foliar Fertilisation programmes an important reduction of the amount of fertilizers applied to the soil. This results in a better and more rational and sustainable use of resources. The application of the foliar programme will be maximally combined with other treatments so that no extra applications are necessary.
After conducting an exhaustive preliminary study of the soil and water conditions, and the needs of the crop and variety, the technical departments of BMS MN and of Coop CASI have designed a foliar programme using the products of the Belgian multinational which will support the plant development at all stages. In addition to being much more sustainable and respectful for the environment, the ECOMETHOD programme improved the production considarably, as well in quantity as in quality.
Production: +4,6 % in kg/m² with Ecomethod
Quality: +1,25 % for first quality fruits with Ecomethod
With this, both companies are committed to a much more environmentally friendly production, and the implementation of a CERTIFICATION that provides a differential value to their final product, without giving up the highest production standards and continuing to meet all market requirements.