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Moderate to high sensitivity to the deficiency of: Cu, Zn
Low to moderately sensitivity to the deficiency of: Fe, Mn
(the sensitivity to the deficiencies of these nutrients can vary in function of the variety)

For rice the most important trace element is without any doubt zinc.
As this element is essential in the early stages of the development an early application of zinc is recommended. To be sure that the crop will attain its production potential, the plant needs to be nourished sufficiently with zinc from germination on, and further all through its juvenile growth.
Insufficient supply of this element during the early growth stages will have an effect on the production even if the availability of this element improves later on in the crop cycle.

Viener Zn
BMS Micro-Nutrients developed VIENER Zn, which permits applying zinc on the seeds.
VIENER Zn releases the element slowly so that the young seedlings receive a continuous supply of Zinc, without reaching toxicity, and without the risk of growth interruption.

Factors that influence zinc availability are:
- High phosphorous fertilization;
- calcareous soil;
- strongly leached soils;
- low soil temperatures.

In some production areas, such as Italy, there is a tendency to sow as early as possible, this increases the risk of low temperatures during these early stages of the growth, and thus the risk of zinc deficiency.

Chelal Zn
If no seed treatment was done or possible, then zinc can still be applied with Chelal Zn. It is nevertheless clear that also these products need to be applied early. We recommend post germination (2-3 leaves).

Program Rice

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